Sapphire Swan
Scandinavian Dance Directory
The Scandinavian Dance Directory is part of the Sapphire Swan Dance Directory.
The Dance Directory provides links to the best dance resources available on the Web.
The Scandinavian Folk Dance page was designed to be viewed in the Dance Directory
frame, but your browser does not support frames. The Scandinavian Dancing page can,
however, be viewed separately. Click on this link:
Scandinavian Folk Dancing Page
When viewed outside the Dance Directory frame, the Scandinavian Dance page
does not allow you to access the many other pages in the Dance Directory. Some of them can
be accessed by selecting the following link:
Additional Dance Pages
For your convenience, selected Scandinavian folk dancing links are provided here:
Scandinavian Folk Dancing
Copyright © 1997-2002 by Sapphire Swan. Last modified: September 26, 2001.
Scandinavian folk dancing dance hambo polska pols snoa
Norway Sweden Denmark Finland Iceland Norwegian Swedish